Content teamwork: Aligning your people and process [Workshop slides]

Defining the content strategy is the easy part.

But how are you actually going to make it work? Not just today, but tomorrow, and next year, and the year after that? Sound magical? Nope, it’s just good content governance.

Kathy Wagner and Melissa Breker’s 2016 half-day Collective Conference workshop led participants through exercises and examples of how people and process fit into the larger content governance framework, and showed how to create strong teams that work together.

Kathy and Melissa took a close look at how team structure and skill set affect the quality of content, and practiced assigning roles and responsibilities that increase efficiency and staff satisfaction. They also shared a collaborative approach to designing effective cross-functional content processes – a fun activity that participants could take back to their teams right away.

Content teamwork workshop take-aways:

  • How people and process fit within a larger governance framework.
  • How to structure content teams for effectiveness and efficiency.
  • How to choose the right people, and assign the right roles.
  • How to collaboratively design content processes that work across teams.
  • How to get it done: convincing executives and motivating staff.

Here’s Melissa and Kathy’s 2016 Collective Conference content teamwork presentation:


Collective 2016-workshop-2016-06-05-final from Content Strategy Inc.


If you would like further advice on aligning content teams and processes, please connect with us. We’re always happy to answer questions!
